Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Laws of Association

Hume discusses the links between ideas in section 3. He says that all ideas are connected in some way and gives three ways that this is accomplished. The first is resemblance, where a picture of a thing will make us think of that thing. The second is contiguity in time or place. This is when a specific thing is discussed and that discussion leads to the discussion of similar things. The third way is cause and effect, which is when we think of one thing and it leads us to think of what follows from it. This seems to make a lot of sense to me. It seems like anytime we think of anything something else always seems to come from it and this is how we form new ideas.


Matthew Lorah said...

I completely agree with you on this point, that no matter what we think of it is always going to lead us to a different idea that is associated in some way.

Anonymous said...

i dont think we create new ideas from these associations. ideas come from the senses and experience. i guess you could say the pondering of these ideas is a new experience, but that leads me to take a view of singularity. i think that is the best way to associate anything, by associating everything